Thursday, December 22, 2011

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Well our family has made it through our first complete year in Virginia! 2011 has been one of the “challenging” years we will remember in our future. But because we pushed forward together as a family, we persevered and vectored in many of our obstacles.

This last year we had many ups and downs as to Michael’s blood sugar. His diagnosis is still uncertain and even though we know he can be glucose intolerant, doctors say it is a matter of time to see what his pancreas is doing. He remains very healthy and athletic and still has his Michael’s Type A personality and we know whatever happens in the future we can and will face it as a family!

Timothy entered 7th grade and has done wonderfully! He produced a multi-award winning video for his My Life club at school! He has been invited to join a travel baseball team with his hopes of using his catching and pitching abilities to play for JV next year and to eventually enter into college. His grades were great this year and we are so proud of him!

Jen continues to enjoy working for Dr. Weisman! She has made some real good friends with her co-workers, as she still misses her friends from California! She has made friends through JDRF and has reconnected with many of her friends here in Virginia.

John is at Liberty Medical and has made many good friends! He still misses everyone at Hoffman, Vance and Worthington! And this year he lost someone he really looked up to as a person, a man and financial genius, Richard Hambleton. “He was my EF Huton, I listened to every word he said” John. John continues to do his photography with a new perspective.

If you were invited to view our year end message, then you have had shared at one time some special facet of our life… and always will. Some of us are in contact every day, some of us by an occasional phone call and some simply through this wonderful invention called FaceBook. But no matter who you are we wish you and yours a
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Halloween, Fall and Tim's Award for Video Making!

Tim and Michael at the park on a brisk afternoon.

Autumn in the back of the house.

Tim and his friend Wyatt created an anti-drug, pro-seat belt video for their club called My Life. Then the video was entered in RAYSAC's valley-wide competition and it won first place in the middle school category. We are so proud of the boys!

Wyatt and Tim!

The boys receiving their rewards that included a cash price. RAYSAC now and the Academy Awards later!!

Could they be the next Sprielberg and Lucas or even the next Trey Parker and Matt Stone(creators of South Park)?

Tim passing out candy downtown with Wyatt when Michael made a little visit!

Michael in front of the old Bolton store.

Not scared!

Michael and mommy!

Scary fun with Gigi!

Post trick-or-treating with B.

Steve and family!

Halloween 2011 is in the books!!

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Family Updates

Tim at the park...

Tim is outlining mom's leg for an "ink tattoo" He plans to do tats while going to college to be in law enforcement.

Michael at the park..

Mommy and Michael

Tim and his girlfriend Laura at the Roanoke Star above the City.

Enjoying the view of Roanoke Valley.

Mommy and Michael with Cathie and her daughter Katie. Katie is Type 1 and they have helped us with Michael.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Fincastle Wine Event, Adenoid/Tonsil Removal and Ear Tubes!

Michael and his great-grandmother B at the Fincastle Wine Tasting Event. Only B did any tasting!

Tim and Michael in Tim's room prior to surgery on both boys. Tim was going to have his tonsils and adenoids removed and Michael was going to have his adenoids removed and second set of tubes inserted into his ears.

Day after surgery, Tim is playing video games and enjoying ice cream! He even had tuna helper the evening of his surgery!

Michael the day after surgery! Getting some sun and concentrating on his concrete creative skills!

Michael and Madison on the couch with one of the kittens, post-surgery!

Granny with three of her kids!

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Spring, baseball, family and fun!!

Spring time at home!

Tim and his girlfriend Laura before the last formal dance at their school.

Tim, Mom, Michael, Laura and Laura's mother Leanne Anderson.

The boys being goofy!

Micheal and his best friend James.

Michaels's birthday!

Spring means baseball in our household. Tim practing his pitching.

Tim's room prior to cleaning!

One of two of our new kittens, Chloe.

...and this one is Allie.

The boys with the kittens.

Tim creating one of his famous videos while Michael looks on.

Tim contemplating on the pitchers mound.

Tim at third base ready to score!

The whole family cheering on Tim!

Tim stealing second.

Michael found a little girlfriend to play with at Tim's game.

Tim at bat!

A beautiful barn. The next few photos are in our area. We are fortunate to live in such a beautiful area. We are only missing a beach!

Michael singing at his pre-school's graduation for the older class.

Michael doing his solo ala-Michael Jackson. Everyone got a kick out of this one!

Tim's baseball team the Fincastle Monsters!

Tim and his good friend Wyatt.

Michael out by a creek with Jerry one of our family friends.

Mommy and Sally


Michael on the swing..

Sally and Jerry. We had a wonderful lunch at their home.

Michael playing with their dog