Monday, August 30, 2010

Tim's First Day of Middle School and Park Fun!

Tim and Michael on Tim's first day off to Middle School. He did not have a great first day because since we are new to the area, he did not know anyone. Within three days, he had buddies and got his first girl's phone number. Now his life is good!

We woke up one morning to see a baby deer in our front yard.

This is our resident rabbit. The kids have named him Patrick.

Michael at the Troutville Park.

No it is not the beach! It's a sand box!

Cayden is one of the little boys that Mommy was watching for a couple weeks.

Peyton is Cayden's sister.

The kids were excited at the train that came by the park.

Madison is Michael's cousin and she had met us at the park.

Sunset from our front door..

Cooking homemade biscuits.
Post biscuit-making!

Tim in his school's during his registration.


Sunday, August 15, 2010

The Last Days, the Move and a New Begining!

July 30th was John and Phuong's last day at Hoffman, Vance and Worthington and both are showing their parting gifts from the company!

Phuong couldn't wait to get home..but that's another story. Phuong is going to work for a military contractor.

Beverly and her sister Yvonne visiting from New York. Beverly (on the right) is John's boss.

Part of the Motley Crew enjoying the final luncheon. Alvin, Phuong, Michael, Dan and Twee.

Diane and her daughter Caitlin and her boyfriend.

Kay and "the new girl". Our accounting department.

Alvin and Dan. Alvin is smiling so big because he is moving up to John's position.
Phuong and her boyfriend Michael.

Michael's last day at a California Beach.

Tim's building something!

Michael's last haircut from Acacia.

Tim's last haircut..we miss Acacia.

Visiting Uncle David in Las Vegas.
Yeah, now guess what Tim wants for Christmas!

Michael and his friends, Cameron and Gracin.

The kids on the trampoline!

Michael bounces with some help.

Timmy relaxing.

Mommy and her friend Keri.

Uncle David, Tim and Anthony.

Michael and Tim's cousin Madison.

Jennifer's cousin's daughter, Sophia.

Jennifer's cousin John, wife Linah and daughter Sophie.

Jennifer and cousin John.

Pappy and Gran Gran.

Jen's sister Shelly and her husband Ricky.

Playing in Gran Gran's backyard.


Cute cousins!

John and Linah.

Kickin' it with Pappy.

Building up in the baseball off-season.

Kids playing in the pool.

Amber and Jarrod's new baby, Elijah. He is Michael and Tim's new baby cousin.

Tim and his cousin Elijah.

Rabbit in our yard. The kids have named him Patrick and feed him grapes.

A wild turkey near by.

Turtle in our yard.

God's approval for us being here in Virginia!
By the way go to to see John's website!