We had a wonderful Thanksgiving in Las Vegas!!! We left Camarillo the Wednesday before Thanksgiving at 3:30 am and got to Vegas about 8:45. The boys did wonderful in the car and slept until we got to Baker and then were wide eyed and bushy-tailed, excited to see Grandma and Grandpa Pellican and Uncle David and Aunt Iriany.
We made our usual trip to the Luxor to the Criss Angel store, which has been moved to a bigger and better place and across from his Production Office. We got some great pictures of Timmy there. Michael was loving it too. He sat in his stroller and looked at everything. He loved the Christmas decorations, but never bothered anything when I held him up to the Christmas tree. After our visit to the Luxor we walked over to the Excalibur and played games. Timmy one four stuffed animals and we could have stayed all night we were having so much fun!
Thanksgiving was great! We went over to Uncle David and Aunt Iriany's for dinner and they over did themselves! Aunt Iriany made the best dinner (with the help of "Assistant Cook" Uncle David)! I have never had pumpkin soup, but her's was so good! Even Timmy ate it and we all know how picky he can be sometimes! I even gave Michael some and he just ate it up! Aunt Iriany also made apple stuffing and a wonderful turkey and ham! I think I might just get her to come live with us and cook for me!
Friday Timmy went to see his dad and Aunt Joan in Summerlin. They went to the Spring Valley Preserve and he said it was so much fun and can't wait to go back! He also went backstage at the Phantom of the Opera, but didn't go see the opera itself. He got to spend some time with Ben and they really had a good time.
While Timmy with gone, Michael, Daddy and I went with Uncle David and Aunt Iriany to watch Uncle David's band practice. Michael slept through about 30 minutes of it and then sat there on the couch with Iriany and I and watched everyone. Daddy got on the guitar for a little while and played and Iriany and Michael got on the drums and played too. After a while, Iriany, Michael and I escaped to the closest Starbucks and sat and talked for about two hours. It was wonderful to have some quality "girl time"! We had a blast, getting to know each other better. David is very lucky to have a wonderful wife like her! And she is lucky to have a wonderful husband like David. We're all just a big happy family!
Saturday we went to the Fashion Show Mall with David and Iriany and watched the Santa show and looked in a lot of the stores. Then we got the boys to go see Santa. As soon as I figure out how to scan the picuter I'll put it up here.
We got home safe and sound Sunday and got back in the routine Monday. Everyone is doing great and we hope you are too!!
Now it's time to start counting down until Christmas!!!