Monday, October 1, 2007

Oh My Boys!!

Michael was sick last week. He was running a fever Tuesday morning and I had a doctor's appt., so Maria kept him in the morning for me. I thought it was "just teething". When I got back about an hour later, he was warmer and he was breathing funny, so we took him to the doctor. Yup, he's sick, double ear infections! He is still on an antibiotic and is doing better, but he started running a fever again last night. A mild fever, but still a fever. So I gave him some Tylenol and he's been fine since. I just checked his mouth and I found out why he was running a little fever.....the little booger has a tooth! The bottom left one has already broken the skin and the other one you can barely feel it. And he's not evern five and a half months old!
Timmy is running for Sargent at Arms for his SCA. He came up with a WONDERFUL speech that I thought John had helped him write, but didn't. He has to make a poster and do a speech this week and elections are Friday. Wish him luck!!!

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