Sunday, September 2, 2007

Labor Day Weekend!!!

Wow!!! It sure has been a crazy and fun weekend in this house!! Saturday night, Daddy, Timmy, Jerry and Devin went to go see the opening game at USC! They had great seats to watch the Trojans stomp Idaho's butt 38-10!! We are ranked #1 so far!! GO USC! They had such a great time and Jerry got the kids footballs for the players to sign. They may be going down to watch USC practice one weekend and get autographs from the players!

HC left for VA today. He is getting his truck and driving back across the country. He got back to Botetourt safe and sound and will be leaving out of the tomorrow.

The boys went to stay with Maria and Joseph this afternoon! Timmy got to play with Destiny and Jazmine and they had so much fun!!! They went to the park and had a picnic, baked cookies and played until their little hearts were content. Michael made sure that everything was going okay and watched every single move that was made. He can't wait to jump in and play with them next year!!

Uncle David and Aunt Iriany came in from Vegas today. Iriany's sister-in-law had her baby this morning, another sweet little boy weighing in at 7 lbs 10 oz. I can't remember the child's name right now, but I will let you know when I remember. So Uncle David and Aunt Iriany got to see how much Michael and Timmy have grown since we were out in Vegas about six weeks ago. Iriany is going to email a picture of cousin Dazman who is three months older than Michael. He's such a cutie!!!

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