This image should have been at the end. Timmy is playing Fall Ball. We have already played three games and through Tim's one-year career in baseball, he has never even stepped on to the pitcher's mound. It all changed on October 4! His coach asked him to take the mound at the last inning..Timmy looked as if the coach had asked him to speak in Chinese! But Timmy took the mound. Daddy said he was just as nervous for Timmy as when Mommy had gone into labor! He took the mound and was a little nervous at first..it all passed when he struck out his first batter! He did walk two batters
but ended up striking out a second batter in the same inning. He did hit one batter in the head, but in daddy's opinion he was crowding the plate. So for his first time on the mound, Timmy did fantastic! Now he is looking forward to pitching in the next game!

Timmy napping in Mommy and Daddy's bed.

Timmy got his expander in preparation for braces, Here Mommy is tightening the appliance..Michael is helping!

Well our beloved Dodgers finally won the
NL West! We went to see them two weeks ago and Timmy wore his Manny wig. You can only guess who he is going as for

Speaking of Timmy's hero..