Timmy's school pictures came out great this year! He is becoming a fine young man and so handsome.
Brother fun on Gigi's kitchen floor. This was earlier this summer after a day at the beach. Michael did get a little extra sun.
Michael is watching his brother.

Beautiful sunset taken last weekend at the Ventura Harbor. We went out to the Channel Islands Visitor Center and spent the day visiting the shops. Then we ate dinner at Spinakers, which had some great seafood.

Yo Ho, Yo ho! A pirates life for me!

Argh, send me your wenches!

Checking out the harbor.

Timmy helping his brother look inside the tidepool at the visitor's center.

Mommy showing Michael the fishes, lobsters and starfish.

Michael and his backpack/harness. He does not like to be carried for long and he does not care to be in his stroller for any extended period of time. So the harness is great! Daddy has already nominated the inventor to the Noble Peace Prize committee!

Both kids were so wound up for Halloween and this was the best picture we could get of the two of them together.