Shannon came back from the Carolinas to visit us. We had such a great time! Mommy, Shannon and Michael had fun playing on the couch. We had gone out to dinner and spent a nice evening together. We miss the Hutchinsons.

The weekend before Timmy came home, we went to Underwood farms with Gee Gee and Paw Paw. This goat was hanging out watching us from up above.

Daddy told Michael to go ahead and pet the soft and cute critter, but Michael only touched the duck.

Gee Gee has issues! and Paw Paw likes to watch!

Earlier that morning, Mommy, Daddy and Michael went to the Camarillo Air Show. We had a blast and Michael is so into airplanes and helicopters!

Daddy and Michael in the cockpit.

Michael is concentrating on the incoming planes.

It has been a long day!

Daddy and his good friend. Who says California is full of liberals!

Daddy and Michael talk with a pilot from Ventura County's Fire Departments helicopter.

Look at the cool helicopter, Michael!