Timmy, Michael and I made the trip to Virginia on the night of the 19th of March. We had a great flight on the way out there and both boys did GREAT! Michael slept all the way from Oakland to Dulles. He did great until he fell off the seat and landed on the floor. He was fine though. Poor Timmy had to sleep with his head on the tray, but he slept pretty well too. We got to Dulles in one piece and though tired, drove in to Botetourt. We got there and had lunch with Sass at Country Cookin' and then met up with Amber. We finally got to Pappy and Gran Gran's about 2 and crashed.
Friday and Saturday we spent with family. Saturday night I met up with Mandy for a little while and then went out to eat with Beth. It was great catching up with everyone!
Easter Sunday was quiet, yet busy. Timmy was with Ben most of the day and spent time with his aunt Lee and Nana. Pappy, Gran Gran, Michael and I went to the Glebe and saw Grandmother Compton. She was all dressed up for Easter Lunch and excited to see everyone. Lunch was good and she was glad to meet her newest great-grandson.
Easter night, the boys and I met up with both sets of Boltons and the Copeland's and had dinner at Jersey Lilly's. It was great to see Chip, Anita, Elizabeth and Timothy. Amber and Jarrett were there too and Amber looked absolutely gorgous. Pregnancy does her well! Her and Jarrett are going to be great parents!