Little Michael had to have tubes put in his ears last week. He's doing great though; no drainage and he can hear a lot better. He was running a fever for a few days, but the doctor checked him and he's doing fine. I think he's cutting more teeth, so that explains everything.
Timmy continues to do well in school. He brought home papers on Monday and everything had 100% on them. We're very proud of him and he is accomplishing so much in the third grade. He is being tested for GATE in the spring and if he passes the test he will be going over to Rancho Rosal twice a week for school. They have also started a new program in the district called Renzulli online. Las Posas was one of the test sites and so far the students love it. It is designed for each student to input information about how they like to learn, what their interests are and then it designs lessons on the students preferences. They can also access it from home and parents can go in and see how their child is doing with the program. We have also started letting Timmy ride his scooter to school. Since we're only two blocks from the school, he rides through the neighborhood behind us and meets up with his friends to cross the street. He calls me when he has gotten to school to let me know that he has gotten there safe and sound. He has really proven himself to us.
The boys and I are getting ready for our trip back to Virginia. We will be there the 20-28th of March and we're really really excited to see everyone. We'll be staying with my dad most of the time and a couple of nights with B. See you all soon!!